Acting For Screen

12 Week Course
The 12 week 'Term Course' runs throughout the year following similar dates to the school calendar.
The course runs for twelve weeks and will have a one week break for half-term.
Classes will run from 7pm to 10pm with a 15 minute break.
A typical class starts with a range of warm up exercises to relax the body and mind, and allow you to focus your creative energy.
This will be followed by improvisation scenarios where the group is filmed and later critiqued. Improvisation to camera is a fantastic way act freely without getting caught up in lines. The goal, of course, is to become so comfortable you forget the camera is there.
This will be followed by Script work, which is key to any audition or part. You will have an opportunity to work individually or in groups to learn lines and perform to camera. If you have an audition in the pipeline we can practice with you to give you the confidence to succeed!
The classes will vary every week from Improv to script work, monologues and commercial auditions
I will also be sending you all the clips of the work you have done the previous week and some of my actors have used this clips to get agents and work.
Location - Black Box Theatre, 19 Harford St, Birmingham B19 3EB
For private one to one coaching contact Louise at 00447585956955
Term Dates:
Spring Term:
Wed 8th January to 2nd April 2025
Summer Term:
Wed 23rd April to 16th July 2025
Autumn Term:
Wed 10th Sept to 3rd Dec 2025
12 week course 7pm -10pm £365.00 This includes all your footage which is filmed every week.
Please buy mindfully as there are no refunds.